Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Jefferson Market Library at Dusk

Feb2006 052, originally uploaded by ShellyS.


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Wonderful shot of a gorgeous building!

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Wow that is so good!

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM

    This night-time photo is very interesting . . . thanks. LOVE that landmark (425 Sixth Avenue). Too bad the NYPL let it get so dilapidated to the point that bits of the masonry rain down on pedestrians.

  4. The building is quite old. It's been a library for only 30-35 years, as I recall. It's been a political hot potato between NYPL and a local community group. There are always a lot of sides to an issue, including the severe financial distress NYPL has been in on and off for the last 30 years. I should know. I'm an employee of NYPL and worked at Jefferson Market in the mid-'80s.

    And there's hardly an old building in NYC that isn't losing masonry, which is why there's scaffolding all over the city, including the Jefferson Market Library which has been undergoing repairs for a while now.
